
Stretching for Runners Workshop in Porto

Do any of the following apply to you?

● You feel stiff and sore after a long run
● You’re embarrassed by how inflexible you are
● You find stretching boring and don’t see the point
● You know you should stretch, but rarely take the time to do it
● When it comes to stretching, you're not quite sure what you're doing, and therefore don’t feel the full benefits of it
● You just want to meet other running enthusiasts and suffer together
● You love stretching and can’t wait to join another awesome workshop!

Here's your invitation to come along and spend an entertaining hour learning some effective, non-boring stretches, alongside a bunch of other running enthusiasts. We’ll be loosening tight muscles, improving mobility and inviting more oxygen flow to the body for better recovery. Don't worry if you can't touch your toes yet - this workshop will get you closer!

Please book your spot in advance via Instagram or the website contact form. All levels of fitness and flexibility are welcome.

Run, Recharge, Retreat.

A weekend retreat in the Portuguese countryside, organised by Porto Expat Runners.

Retreat activities included:
● a daily outdoor nature run
● an intention setting hour
● strength training for runners
● stretching for runners
● enjoying lots of delicious, healthy food.

I had a lot of fun leading the Stretching For Runners workshop and look forward to facilitating similar workshops in the future!

If you’re interested in joining the next running retreat in Portugal, check out the Run, Recharge, Retreat website and follow their Instagram account for updates.